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Customizable Charcuterie & More

4 Church Street Ext., Mattapoisett, MA, 02739


A Little Bit About Us

Hello all!

I am honored to introduce myself as Cindy, the proud owner of Savor the Spread, LLC. It is with great excitement that I share a glimpse of my story with all of you!

My professional background is deeply rooted in the realm of design, and I had been following a typical 9-to-5 routine up until the year 2020. Faced with the uncertainties that marked that year, I chose to explore new passions, including the art of designing charcuterie boards! What initially began as a pastime, this hobby gradually evolved into something far more significant.

As the months passed and my regular employment dwindled, I decided to take a big step! In January 2022, I began the process of finding a suitable space, overseeing renovations, and transforming my dream into an everyday reality. The culmination of these efforts led to the official opening of my storefront in Marion, Massachusetts on August 1, 2022.

This adventure has offered me invaluable insights into myself, the intricacies of my business, and the needs of my customers. I am beyond grateful for each of you because I wouldn't be standing where I am today without your encouragement. With that, I extend a resounding THANK YOU to every individual who has joined me on this remarkable journey!


- Cindy

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